we have so many courses coming and also available to you to aid you on the journey of a fulfilled health and wellness life. One where you feel in control have step by step help and support and lifetime access to all courses you enrol on.

Note signing up to our school will add you to our email and user list but if you want to access individual courses you will still need to pay to enrol on them.

it is never too early or too late to start being the healthiest you!

our support group will be there for you to help you along the way as well as give you advice and tips on how to keep motivated

clear strategies and plans

one thing i see all too often is people have ways to help but we all learn in different ways some visually, some through oral and some of us through written content.

We have you all covered each course has video, written text and pdfs to help you every step of the way

time is valuable and so is life

we do offer all courses as self-paced this allows you to do each course in your life without the worry of really taking that valuable family time out. You will get access to all the course and can do it as fast or as slow as you like. You have lifetime access anyway.

we want everyone to feel the ability to celebrate their amazing life

this is why we have not just the support group and all the amazing courses but the ability to pay it in one of 2 ways so it suits you. Every course over £49 has a pay in full and payment plan so you can split the cost down

Hi, I’m Claire,

I started these courses after i went through several years of an emotional abusive relationship and i lost myself. I ended up moving to a town with no family or friends and a newborn baby. I fell into a hole of spiralling debt and constant disempowering thoughts and reactions to life. I then took a holistic health and wellness coaching course and passed my level 1 & 2 and this is what gave me the power to share all i do with you because i been there. I want to help people see the light and way out without struggling for years on end